[功能建議] 允許過帳日期怎麼設才好?Allow Posting Date

2020年,其中一個使用者的熱門問題就是 允許過帳日要怎麼設才好



來看看我們的顧問怎麼回答吧 ~~ ^0^

Quick question:  

Is there a general rule regarding the dates used in the General Ledger Setup? How far back should we set the Allow Posting From and how far forward can we set the Allow Posting To?

Our Suggestion:

Basically, you want to update the Allow to and Allow From date fields to match the dates you are ok with your financials changing. We have some clients that set it every month and some that will allow several months. 

For example, if your Accounting Dept financially closes September 2020, you would want to change the Allow From field to be 10/01/20202. This would prevent postings that are dated in September from updating the GL. 

One thing to point out is that you can also set allow posting dates in the User Setup list. If you put dates here, these dates will take priority when checking the posting dates during posting. 

So, using the example above, if the USER-A account in User Setup record has allow posting dates from 11/01/2020 through 11/30/2020, then they would not be able to post something against October even if the GL Setup has the Allow From set to 10/01/2020.

If you are using both the GL Setup and the User Setup to for the allowable posting dates AND you are running the Adjust Cost - Item Entries nightly through the Job Queue, then you need to make sure that the user account running the Job Queue does not have the Allow From and Allow To dates set in the User Setup. This can cause the Job Queue to fail due to a posting date error. Have that users posting dates be based on what is set on the GL Setup. 


1. 允許過帳日期的設定,請尊重財務部門的需求。

2. 您可以利用 User Setup (使用者設定)來做更精緻的入帳日期管控。
  User setup 的日期設定優先前大於一般設定

3. 特別注意
 如果您同時使用 GL Setup (總帳設定) 與 User Setup (使用者設定) 
 並且您還有在定期跑  成本調整  進行成本滾算
 不然就會 error 撞不完拉 > <~



